Support a Rider, Support a Team, Support the Lyme Land Trust
Your tax deductible donation will support Tour de Lyme and the Lyme Land Trust.
Why help with financial support? Rider registrations and team fund raising efforts do a great deal to help the Lyme Land Trust fulfill its mission. Our conservation work benefits those who live here and those who don’t, those who cycle and those who don’t. We believe encouraging people to get outside and enjoy the natural world is important for our health and well-being and that cyclists set a wonderful example.
Who benefits? Cycling enthusiasts certainly do – having these lightly traveled roads lined with miles of unbroken forest makes riding in Lyme special. But there is more than that. Conservation land contributes greatly to the quality of air we all breathe and the water we drink. It provides a large and varied habitat for wildlife and a mecca for outdoor activities – cycling, hiking, hunting, bird watching etc. Contributions and registration are tax deductible, so please keep your receipt.
What is a land trust? The Lyme Land Trust is a 501 (c) 3 public charity that owns land and holds conservation easements on private land for the common good – presently about 3000 acres. Lyme is unique in that it has a much higher percentage of land protected than most towns. It is for all to enjoy as many cyclists already know, and newcomers to Tour de Lyme will discover.