Become a Sponsor

Reasons to sponsor Tour de Lyme

Why it makes sense to sponsor Tour de Lyme…

Tour de Lyme has established itself as a premier cycling event in Southeastern Connecticut.

  • Average over 725 riders each year. Many repeat riders.
  • Riders came from 13 states and from 112 of Connecticut’s 169 towns
  • Participants raved about an outstanding event and a great picnic
  • Six different rides are offered including 2 mountain bike and 4 road alternatives
  • You will be associated with individuals and families of all age groups who support land conservation, enjoy healthy outdoors activities and pursue an active lifestyle.

The purpose is to raise needed operating revenue for the Lyme Land Trust. Our land management responsibilities have grown dramatically over the past 53 years where we are now responsible for the stewardship of over 3,000 acres.

For more than 50 years, the Lyme Land Trust has effectively worked with the support of the residents, to help create a unique rural atmosphere by preserving farmlands, wetlands and forests. Our many preserves, open to the public, offer opportunities for outdoor activities – hiking, cycling, painting, photography etc.

Lyme is the ideal venue for a cycling event…

Road and mountain bike enthusiasts in the area already know Lyme as a biker’s paradise. The Land Trust’s mission to protect our rural, scenic and natural landscape has resulted in the preservation of scenic vistas and long stretches of road winding through uninterrupted forest. Bikers enjoy the serenity of our lightly traveled country roads while admiring the area’s natural beauty. Our venue, Ashlawn Farm offers the perfect venue for convenient parking, check-in and our great post ride picnic.

As a Sponsor you can expect exposure…
  • Our website , will explain the event, and in February enable riders to register and form teams. After the June event it will display the many pictures taken. All the while we will identify you as a sponsor.
  • Coverage in the Lyme Land Trust newsletter, Tour de Lyme issue.
  • Two sided 18×24” road-side direction signs with your logo placed along cycling routes (depending on level of sponsorship).
  • Logo displayed at the event banners during registration and post ride picnic.
Photo by Joe Standart
Photo by Joe Standart
Photo by Julia Werth

Tour De Lyme Sponsorship & Support Levels

  • Publicity for Tour de Lyme is designed to send riders, volunteers and donors to where they can get event information, register to participate and make a donation to support a team or rider – and view sponsors’ logos.
  • The Sponsors’ Page on our website displays sponsors’ logos with a link to the sponsor’s website if sponsor so chooses.
  • Logos are displayed in the months leading up to the June 2025 event and through December 31, 2025 well after when event pictures are posted.

For information on becoming a sponsor or supporter call or email:
Kristina White, Executive Director. 860 304-0431