Tour de Lyme has options for beginners to advanced riders, from youngsters to the not so young. Routes are well marked and wind through beautiful scenery. Choose a gentle ride through valleys or a challenging one up and down the ridges. Longer rides include rest stops with water, drinks, fruit, snacks and facilities.
View Road Bike Routes
View Mountain Bike Routes

The Lyme Ambulance Association and the Lyme Fire Company stand ready to help if needed on Tour de Lyme day. Both are all volunteer 501(c) 3 organizations proudly serving Lyme. All rest stops offer emergency repair service by cycle shop technicians.

Pedal Power with stores in Essex, Middletown, and Vernon will have experienced service staff on hand for emergency repairs before the rides at Registration and at the Millington Greenrest stop.
Niantic Bay Cycles located in Niantic CT will be on hand for emergency repairs at Devils Hopyard State Park.
Morrissey Cycles located in Old Lyme CT will be on hand for emergency repairs at the start of the Mountain Bike Ride and the Mountain Bike rest stop.
Action Sports with stores in Old Saybrook and Branford will be at the Hartman Park rest stop to assist with both emergency mountain bike and road repairs.