The ‘Rider’s Test’ has it all. Traversing three fabled local preserves, Hartman Park, Walbridge Woodlands and Young as well as Nehantic State Forest, the course features Lyme’s ‘Three Bears’ in the form of three monster climbs.
Out of the gate you pass through a lovely private estate to pop you out on Keeny Rd heading into the hills of Nehantic where you traverse Skeleton Ridge and head to the second highest hill – Nickerson with a view of Long Island Sound. There will be a rest stop at dead man’s parking lot before you head out onto Keeny and head to Gungy Rd to enter the wilds of Hartman Park. This new part of the course takes you past the beaver pond, past cool rock formations,and part of the Goodwin Trail.
Note: The route going through Hartman, Walbridge Woodlands and Young preserves is quite technical with rocks, bridges and steep climbs. Expect to have to walk a few short portions of this route unless you are an expert mountain biker.
Between the climbs there are 25 miles of twisty-techy descents, hanging valleys packed with natural features, and fast fire roads betwixt beaver pond and quail run, and, just a mile or two of blessed breath-catching pavement.
Want a preview of the route? Check out this video clip.
Color coded wrist bands will be provided at check in. The color corresponds to the marker colored flags to follow for the ride and entitles you to a free lunch.
Mountain Bike Routes:
The Rider’s Test ~ 26.5 miles, 3.5-4.5 hours. Departs at 8:15.
Intermediate Rider’s Test ~ 16.0 miles departs at 8:30 am with Rider’s Test. At mile 9.5 of the Rider’s Test riders can choose to either complete the remaining 17 miles of the northern loop or return south through the Nehantic Forest back to Ashlawn Farm and the finish line. You can make your decision at the rest stop at Dead Man’s parking lot. We do not post the ride due to it crossing Private Owner’s land – we receive permission for one day use of their property. Follow yellow flag markers.